Social Memory, an Experience of Safeguarding in the Canton of San Lorenzo. Among Vegetation, Rivers and Sea


  • Iris de las Mercedes Pico Arregui Fundación Cultural Artis



San Lorenzo, safeguarding, knowledge, generations, heritage, social memory


This article presents the experience of collecting stories and techniques from some individuals who preserve intangible heritage in San Lorenzo del Pailón, in the northern part of the Esmeraldas province, within the communities of Palma Real, Tululbí, Ricaurte, Urbina, San Antonio, San Javier de Cachaví, San Lorenzo capital, and La Ceiba. The aim of the research was to identify the manifestations of the prevailing intangible cultural heritage and its bearers in this canton. The  compilation of social memory reveals that the population has
found, in some cases, safeguarding mechanisms to preserve rituals, but in others, there has been a gradual loss of artisanal techniques. Ethnography and participant  observation were part of the methodology to connect with these men and women who uphold and maintain ancestral memory. Through the accurate guidance of qualified interlocutors, photographic resources, and recordings, various moments and activities were captured and used as support resources. The information was returned to the community through two products: first, a brochure with the biography of the bearers and their techniques, which was distributed in each locality. Second, a donation to the respective decentralized autonomous government (GAD) of 14 photographic portraits of the Living Human Treasures (THV), representative figures of the region.


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How to Cite

Pico Arregui, I. de las M. (2024). Social Memory, an Experience of Safeguarding in the Canton of San Lorenzo. Among Vegetation, Rivers and Sea. INPC. Revista Del Patrimonio Cultural Del Ecuador, 1(1), e5.