The Hatun Puncha of Cotacachi from it’s own oral tradition




Intangible cultural heritage, oral tradition, cultural identity, customs and traditions, culture


This research developed an exploratory study on the intangible heritage of the “Hatun Puncha” of Cotacachi
based on the oral tradition of the Kichwa communities of the canton, aimed at describing the Hatun Puncha from
the narratives of its custodians. Purpose carried out through the collection and articulation of the mythological
narratives that the community maintains in force about the Hatun Puncha and how such myths materialize in
various acts that make up the cultural manifestation studied. For this, methodologically, an exploratory qualitative
research was carried out, which, through a case study, compiled and processed the narratives of the oral tradition
of the high and low indigenous communities of Cotacachi, about the celebration they carry out of Hatun Puncha.
, seeking to make visible the narratives and concepts of the communities, which allow the preservation of social
memory and intangible heritage, and thereby establish the bases for the understanding and decoding of this
expression of the indigenous world of Cotacachi. For this purpose, the study aimed to collect the stories of the older
taytas who have been part of the Hatun Puncha in previous times, serving as: captains, flute players, ceremony
workers, curators, leaders and councils. All this with the purpose of providing new generations with the discourses
of their own culture for the conservation and strengthening of their intangible heritage.


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Author Biography

César Gonzalo Alvear Morales, Investigador independiente, Cotacachi, Ecuador

Candidato a PhD en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Magíster en Desarrollo Local y Territorial, 3 años de experiencia docente universitaria, investigador en ciencias sociales con tres publicaciones en revistas indexadas, ganador de los fondos concursables para proyectos de investigación cultural del Ministerio de Cultura 2012, gestor de promoción y difusión del patrimonio cultural. Ganador de la convocatoria de las Líneas de Fomento de la Memoria Social y el Patrimonio Cultural del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural 2020, en la categoría Artesanía tradicional. Con el proyecto “Alfareras y tejedores kichwas hacia una economía amigable del patrimonio de Cotacachi.”



How to Cite

Alvear Morales, C. G. (2024). The Hatun Puncha of Cotacachi from it’s own oral tradition. INPC. Revista Del Patrimonio Cultural Del Ecuador, 2(1), e9.