Characterization of the Geomorphological and Sedimentological Dynamics of the Culebrillas Lagoon and Its Relationship with Local Pre-Hispanic Settlement Patterns




Culebrillas Lagoon, pre-Hispanic settlement, glacier geomorphology, geomorphodynamics, Qhapaq Ñan


Culebrillas Lagoon locates in the south-central area of Ecuador, represents a hydrographic unit of glacio-lacustrine origin, with an important cultural heritage evident in its myths, traditions and legends, as well as preserved remnants of the Qhapaq Ñan, the Paredones tambo and other archaeological findings. Mysticism and orality have generated some inaccurate notions about the genesis of some morphological elements present in the lagoon, which have been transmitted for generations. The present work defined an approximation from the Earth sciences, about the genesis of the current relief, applying telematic, remote sensing and sedimentological tools, creating theoretical models of the historical episodes or evolutionary stages of the landscape, in order to establish a relationship with the patterns of settlement used by the pre-Hispanic groups that surrounded the study area. It is established that the structures developed in the sector were made following an adaptive pattern of their environment, without causing significant disturbances in the immediate environment.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cortez, J. L., Macas Espinosa, V., Vélez Macías, K., & Naranjo Freire, C. (2024). Characterization of the Geomorphological and Sedimentological Dynamics of the Culebrillas Lagoon and Its Relationship with Local Pre-Hispanic Settlement Patterns. STRATA, 2(1), e13.